Jeremy Griffith

Jeremy Griffith smiling in studio

Biologist and author Jeremy Griffith has dedicated his life to understanding and solving the human condition.

For most people, trying to think about this ultimate of questions of whether we humans are fundamentally good or not has been an unbearably self-confronting exercise. Indeed, the issue of the human condition has been so depressing for virtually all humans that only a rare few individuals have been sound and secure enough in self to go anywhere near what the human condition really is. Nurtured by a sheltered upbringing in the Australian bush (countryside), Jeremy is one of those rare few. His soundness and resulting extraordinary integrity and thus clarity of thought, coupled with his training in biology, has enabled him to successfully grapple with this most foreboding of all subjects of the human condition and produce the breakthrough, human-behaviour-demystifying-and-ameliorating explanation of it.

In 1988, as part of the promotion of his first book, Free, Jeremy was interviewed by the esteemed Australian journalist Caroline Jones on her flagship ABC Radio National program, The Search for Meaning. The interview attracted, according to Jones, the second most enthusiastic listener response in the program’s twice-weekly, eight year history. As a result of that popularity, it was re-broadcast twice in September 1988. In the interview Jeremy succinctly and brilliantly describes what the human condition really is (and his motivation for getting to the bottom of it); presents the actual explanation of the human condition; explains science’s role in the human journey; explains the meaning of the left and right wing poles of politics; describes the fabulous world that opens up for all humans now that the human condition has been explained; and so much more. Listen to the interview below.

Read Jeremy Griffith's full biography at